Monday, February 5, 2007


Je pensais que cette fois-ci, j'écrirais quelque chose en français, ma langue principale. C'est toujours un véritable plaisir d'apprendre une nouvelle langue, mais il faut que je travaille dur pour atteindre le même niveau en japonais que j'ai achevé en plusieurs autres langues. Ça me semble que le japonais me posera des problèmes, malgré sa grammaire simple et flexible.

Je dois bientôt me dépêcher pour être à l'heure pour passer notre petit contrôle de hiragana et de vocabulaire. Je ne me sens pas assez préparer, et j'attends un mauvais résultat, mais on verra. On ne sait jamais—peut-être tout deviendra clair et facile au moment où il sera nécessaire de rappeler cette connaissance trop récemment appris.

À plus!



satoza said...

"I thought that this time, I would write something in French, my main language. It is always a true pleasure of learning a new language, but it is necessary that I work hard to attain the same level in Japanese which I finished in several other languages. This seems to me that Japanese will pose me of problems, in spite of its simple and flexible grammar.

I must soon hurry up to be on time to cross our small control of hiragana and vocabulary. I do not enough feel preparing, and I wait for a poor result, but they will see. They never know — perhaps everything will become clear and easy at the time when it will be necessary to remind of this knowledge too much newly learnt.
In more!"

I used a free on-line translation site and I just wonder how acurate the translation is...

Oh, please do not be so overwhelmed. I know you mastered many European languages, but Japanese is just different from European languages. Japanese is so-called Level 4 languages, which means you need to spend a lot more time than other foreign languages.

Whenever you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail or come visit me. You are always welcome!

Kimball said...

Sweet! I was pretty happy I could read something that I could understand in French. (My French is very bad and mostly forgotten) Thanks!